
Read this if you want your staff or students to perform better

Business Coaching, Education, human rights, leadership, motivation, racism, staff wellbeing, team building

If your staff or students aren’t performing well, is it down to you? It has long been accepted wisdom that people perform better or worse in work and life in proportion to their self-belief. Henry Ford is reported to have…

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Why ‘good’ is better than ‘perfect’

leadership, Life Skills, mental health, motivation, staff wellbeing

“Nobody’s perfect.” This is a fairly universally held assertion. But I think it’s wrong. Not because some people are in fact perfect but more because everyone is. The statement includes an assumption: that there is such a thing as perfect;…

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Getting out of the Cave – part 1

Business Coaching, Education, leadership, Life Coaching, Life Skills, motivation, team building

Or  Why everything you thought you knew is wrong! The ancient philosopher Plato suggested that people everywhere live most of their lives like prisoners trapped in a cave. The prisoners are confined in their viewpoint and can only see shadows…

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What’s the ONE thing your staff want most?

Business Coaching, Job Market

What drives human beings?  If we could nail this one then success might be less elusive?  According to Daniel Pink in his book Drive, two basic drives of human behaviour have dominated our understanding and practice: Motivation 1.0 is the drive to…

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Why isn’t my life how I want it to be?

Business Coaching

We are creatures of habit. Human beings are predisposed towards sameness. We go down the same tracks over and over again and wonder why they always lead to the same destinations! How is it that we can start a new…

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Not paying attention to staff wellbeing could cost you a fortune!

Business Coaching

Poor mental health in the workplace costs UK businesses over £8 billion per year. That’s not just because 12.7% of all sickness days are due to mental health problems, but also because when your staff are below par, they are…

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