Finding your Purpose
Many businesses have a purpose statement of some kind but for many it is little more than words on a website. The principle is very simple – in order to score you need to be clear what you’re aiming at!…
Read moreGetting out of the Cave – part 1
Or Why everything you thought you knew is wrong! The ancient philosopher Plato suggested that people everywhere live most of their lives like prisoners trapped in a cave. The prisoners are confined in their viewpoint and can only see shadows…
Read moreWill this be your best year yet? You decide!
How committed are you to what you’re doing? One of the biggest killers of progress is indecision. Wavering, hesitancy, half-heartedness, apprehensiveness. None of these traits give birth to successful, thriving projects or businesses. At some point you have to make…
Read moreGRIT predicts success better than any other measure
How long do you stick with a task or project when it’s not going your way? How long do your kids, your students or your staff keep attacking a problem before they conclude: “I can’t do this.” According to recent…
Read moreHow I came back from the brink of a breakdown and started a new venture.
About a year and a half ago I came to the brink. I’m a very active, go-at-the-job-full-pelt sort of person. I’m rarely, if ever, idle. I’ve been in education and leadership for twenty years and always prided myself on managing…
Read moreHow does parenting impact future success?
I recommend Malcolm Gladwell’s book ‘Outliers’. In it he analyses in detail the factors which affect success. One point about parenting caught my attention. He says various studies into parenting approaches all show the same thing: that there are basically…
Read moreRevolution needed! The 6 inch problem…
So I’m joining the world of Blogging! And here’s my first post… I’m reading ‘The Second Curve’ by Charles Handy at the moment. He makes a great point quoting something called the ‘MacNamara Fallacy’ that we tend to measure what…
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