
Which is most important? Character or Competence

Business Coaching, Education, leadership, motivation, staff wellbeing, team building

(Or why 74 million Americans voted for Trump) Character or competence? I wonder what your instinctive reaction is… “Depends on the context” you might say? In a friend? In a teacher/ mentor? In a boss? In a political leader? Of…

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Your team will make or break your project

Business Coaching, Education, Job Market

In ‘Built to Last’ Collins and Porras set out to study twenty ‘visionary’ companies: companies that have stood the test of time, that have outlived the average lifespan of a company and ‘left an indelible imprint on our world’. Companies…

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Where are you headed?

Business Coaching

The average lifespan of a business used to be 40 years.  Now it’s 14 years. What’s the secret to longevity? What makes the difference between the flash-in-a-pan and true, lasting success?  Charles Handy suggests that all of life can be…

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