Teacher & Student Wellbeing: The Problem & How We Can Fix It.
Teaching is the best job in the world. I have no doubt about it. To have the privilege of each day walking into a room and being able to shape and mould the minds and lives of young people is…
Read moreRead this if you want your staff or students to perform better
If your staff or students aren’t performing well, is it down to you? It has long been accepted wisdom that people perform better or worse in work and life in proportion to their self-belief. Henry Ford is reported to have…
Read moreSchool Leaders: Are you doing too much?
How changing your assumptions about leadership can transform outcomes & help you maintain a balanced life. In the last SLT I was a part of we went for a team weekend break. It was the only time it had ever…
Read moreWhich is most important? Character or Competence
(Or why 74 million Americans voted for Trump) Character or competence? I wonder what your instinctive reaction is… “Depends on the context” you might say? In a friend? In a teacher/ mentor? In a boss? In a political leader? Of…
Read more#doingschooldifferently
I will add to this blog on a regular basis over the next few weeks. I will be tweeting my additions at @PRadfordSpeaker on Twitter. Please follow me there: but I will also keep adding them here so that it’s…
Read moreThe secret to understanding people!
All behaviour is communication. I came across this statement whilst assessing a special school for Unicef’s Rights Respecting School Award. Mountjoy School in Dorset caters for children aged 4-18 with severe learning difficulties. Many children there are unable to communicate verbally,…
Read more36 suggestions to transform the teaching profession!
These 36 suggestions have come out of lots of years working in and with schools. The teaching profession is haemorrhaging teachers at an unprecedented rate: 20% plan to leave in the next two years, 40% in the next five years! Lots…
Read moreGetting out of the Cave – part 1
Or Why everything you thought you knew is wrong! The ancient philosopher Plato suggested that people everywhere live most of their lives like prisoners trapped in a cave. The prisoners are confined in their viewpoint and can only see shadows…
Read moreWhy isn’t my life how I want it to be?
We are creatures of habit. Human beings are predisposed towards sameness. We go down the same tracks over and over again and wonder why they always lead to the same destinations! How is it that we can start a new…
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