Peter provided a fantastic Staff Inset for us recently. It was full of excellent detail and thought provoking observations. Indeed his session proved to be very effective in convincing a highly committed Common Room that it was indeed possible to meet the ever increasing demands that are being imposed on Schools via the RSE reforms. We will be asking him back to speak to the pupils.Deputy Headteacher
A brief note of thanks for your fantastic input on Tuesday morning. I have had nothing but positive feedback for your keynote session from all staff: you set the tone of the day perfectly by reminding us why we do the job we do. As teachers, we get so caught up in the day to day, so it is really important that we take a step back to think more purposefully. You've had a significant impact in reminding staff how important their pastoral role is, and how elements of PSHE underpin everything we do. My sincerest thanks!Julian Metcalf
Outstanding CPD - a huge thank you to Peter for delivering a highly engaging, thought provoking whole staff CPD session for us on the importance of developing a whole school approach to delivering effective PSHE and RSHE. The sessions provided clear guidance and challenged staff in a positive way to think about how they could deliver outstanding PSHE with insightful ideas and clear advice to take into the classroom in order to support the development of our pupils. Thank you again!Lewys Atwell
Brilliant CPD. By far the best I've experienced since teaching in Dorset. I thoroughly enjoyed it and would love even more.Teacher
Peter delivered an engaging and thought provoking whole staff CPD session for a whole school approach to the delivery of RSHE. It really helped our teachers understand that RSHE is all encompassing and not something that happens once a week on a designated timetabled slot. Our staff were challenged to think about the purpose of education and their crucial roles in the development and nurturing of the whole child. Katie Stafford
I certainly would recommend Peter to others for his professional approach and warm and accessible demeanour that made him a success in front of a large audience.Matthew Jamieson
Peter joined us immediately after a holiday, always a tough call, rather like after dinner speaking! Not only did he both remind and inspire colleagues about the wonders of our profession, but they are still quoting him a couple of months on!Tanya Lee
Really insightful. Common sense, applicable tips and advice. Lots of stimulus for reflection. Best INSET I have been on.Clare Jackson
Very useful day. Lots of ideas to take back to school.Ann Massey
Very insightful, challenging and provocative (in a good way). Balanced theory and practicalsHenry Wiggins
Informative and thought-provoking. A very well-spent CPDAilsa Huysamen
Really engaging. Excellent training and presenting skillsPortia Godden
"Peter's 4Sight on How to Leave the Cave is one you have to see! The subject matter is soooo current and his delivery exceedingly professional. Peter's experience is evident in his delivery and engagement and is the basis of his content. Thoroughly recommended."Jon Beake
The ‘Transforming your Trajectory’ workshop has been delivered to all employees and was very well received. Employees felt it challenged their thinking and really made them think about how to make positive change in their lives. One employee said “Felt really positive afterwards and motivated to do certain things I have been putting off” and another “I have created an action plan for myself of things I want to achieve this year. These are things I have been pondering over for a long time and the course has given me the nudge I needed to do this.” I would recommend everyone to complete this workshop as it recharges, refreshes and challenges in a positive and supportive way.James Collins
Incredibly enlightening session.Steve Farnham
Really thought provoking and energising session - excellent from a personal & professional level.Ian Girling